Wednesday, February 10, 2010

hello team,
its the most torturing period now, the exams period :(
so anyway, during the exam period, TRAINING WILL STILL GO ON.. so if you are able to make it down, do come down. coach will be here :))

meanwhile, Good luck and all the best for exams!

stress-less TCH :) :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

hello team.
congratulations and well done to everyone for it participating or helping out, everyone deserves a pat on the shoulder.

Principle and Director of NYP have received the good news and have praised us a fantastic job done.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Guru, Mr Ronnie, Jin Long, Kevin, Sam(antha), Coach Hosni and lastly, all NYP Athletes.
without you guys, all these wont be successful.

meanwhile, good luck for exams and we will celebrate once exams are over!! :))